Add-On of the week!
Tire Pressure and Temperature Monitoring
GoGPS Fleet Tracking system has a number of add on that can be used such as tire pressure monitoring.
The system monitors tire pressure and tire temperature in real time and transmits data through your GO device to MyGeotab.
Valor also provides multiple Geotab Add-ins that provide the following functionality:
Main Page
- Identifies vehicles that are outside of user defined zones – red or yellow
Drill down to look at a vehicle or multiple vehicles separated by yellow, red or green zones.
Alerts page
- Identifies the issue and allows for the drill down of the detail on a vehicle basis,
- Select a time period and look at the history
- Configure custom parameters in order to focus on trends
Alerts and settings page
- Allows the user to define the value for the alerts and the recipients where the alert is sent.
- Rules are pre-programed with the value being user settable
- Configure units of measure – PSI, BAR, Fahrenheit, etc.
- Configure Report types and distribution lists
Who Should Use This
Commercial truck fleets, Bus operators, Service vehicles (EMS, FIRE, Ambulance) – any fleets that wish to monitor their tire pressure and be alerted to tire issues
Features & Benefits
- Real-time monitoring of pressure and temperature, every 4 seconds
- Immediate SMS or email alerts for over- and under pressure changes
- Wirelessly monitor up to up to 6 axles and 24 tires per vehicle
- System has automatic drop and hook for trailers
- can link up to 3 trailers to one tractor
- Real-time monitoring removes the need for manual inspection
- “Out of bounds” warnings alert you to potential issues
- Real time monitoring of both pressure and temperature allows you to deliver safely and with confidence